Benjamin Garcia

Benjamin Garcia

In an article posted online on Juxtapoz Magazine dated Friday August 16th 2013
I was introduced to the work of Benjamin Garcia, an artist and illustrator from Venezuela. His striking paintings found in this article displayed some of the compositions, movements and layering which I had been researching. I decided to further investigate the work of this talented man leading me to his website:
It was here that I fell in love with Benjamin’s art. In particular his second piece displayed in the collection named: Communication Breakdown-2 (above)

The narrative formed, the composition and style of this painting I found instantly mesmerizing, pulling me into it’s abstract, conceptual, tensely driven scene. The positioning and clothing of the two women on the left foreground of the painting present a questionably provocative invitation into the scene. These women, painted in warm hues and tones, feel somewhat displaced in their urban industrialized environment.
In stark contrast to these partially clothed women is a figure walking towards the foreground. This figure, for me, questions gender identity. The figure walks in a feminine manner with masculine clothing towards the area which the partially nude women sit. In place of a regular human head is that of an elephant making it more difficult to identify the gender of the figure.

My love for this painting lies in the sense of wonder and the connection between art and viewer. The concept is one which is suggested but not completely obvious. A conversation is proposed and a narrative implied. An illustrative style merges elegantly with that of a contemporary painter adding an extra dimension to the piece. This meeting of minds on an intellectual level between viewer and concept is one which I am influenced by. Striking questions and a want to understand, to be informed and involved in the message portrayed is one which I hope to develop in my work. (2012) Benjamin Garcia, Available at: Accessed: (04/01/14)

About heffyd

An aspiring Artist&Illustrator in love with creativity View all posts by heffyd

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