Camilla Catrambone – Portraits of My Family


Camilla Catrambone – Portraits of My Family

Discovered while browsing through posts under the search of “portraits” on Behance, I came across the beautiful Fine Art Photography of Camilla Catrambone. These family portraits however, are unlike most as they do not depict any facial imagery of the people and personalities they express. The only introduction to the people are the names of each title. The personalities of each person and their descriptions are largely expressed through objects associated with them. The items are delicately arranged into striking compositions photographed from an aerial viewpoint. 

In a way, the viewer is invited to ‘read’ the portraits. an intellectual invitation to piece together an understanding or possible narrative of the person portrayed. 

What is it that we depend on to get to know or understand a person and their lives? Are the objects around us enough to express us individually? Do they have enough power in their existence to give a legitimate representation of a person’s life or personality? In the tasks I plan to undertake as part of my work, I want to bring these questions with me. In Shin Young An’s work, the background on which the portrait or objects are painted guide the viewer to understand what it is exactly that she wishes to express. It aids the concept. Could it be beneficial to include  a specific or a number of specific object in the background of a piece which hint to sub themes or link to the concept expressed? 

I feel that Camilla’s work is a strong example of the different possibilities which exist in the portrayal of a single person or group of peoples lives. 

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Behance (2014) Camilla Catrambone, Available at: Accessed: (02/01/2014)

About heffyd

An aspiring Artist&Illustrator in love with creativity View all posts by heffyd

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